English Test

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Categoría: Grammar

1. Part 1: Grammar

Questions 1 – 20: choose the correct answer

1. English people ________ tea every day.

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Categoría: Grammar

2. Choose the correct answer

2. The USA is________ England.

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Categoría: Grammar

3. Choose the correct answer

3. ________ you like some more cake?

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Categoría: Grammar

4. Choose the correct answer

4. Have you ever ________ to Australia?

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Categoría: Grammar

5. Choose the correct answer

5. Excuse me, could you ________ me the way to the bank?

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Categoría: Grammar

6. Choose the correct answer

6. Did you ________ the film on TV last night?

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Categoría: Grammar

7. Choose the correct answer

7. What ________ to do this weekend?

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Categoría: Grammar

8. Choose the correct answer

8. They fell in love while they ________ in England.

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Categoría: Grammar

9. Choose the correct answer

9. I’ve been learning English ________ I was twelve years old.

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Categoría: Grammar

10. Choose the correct answer

10. If you don’t have a good dictionary, you ________ be able to learn English well.

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Categoría: Grammar

11. Choose the correct answer

11. Shops in England close at 5.30, ________?

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Categoría: Grammar

12. Choose the correct answer

12. If I’d known about the party last night, ________ gone.

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Categoría: Grammar

13. Choose the correct answer

13. ________ he didn’t revise, he failed the exam.

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Categoría: Grammar

14. Choose the correct answer

14. I’ve been staying in England for six months but I just haven’t ________ to the weather.

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Categoría: Grammar

15. Choose the correct answer

15. By this time next week, Teresa ________ her English exam.

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Categoría: Grammar

16. Choose the correct answer

16. I’ve been working all day, and now I’m absolutely worn ________.

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Categoría: Grammar

17. Choose the correct answer

17. The house looks very old. It ________ built at least a hundred years ago.

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Categoría: Grammar

18. Choose the correct answer

18. He’s ________ old enough to be here on his own, let alone travel by himself.

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Categoría: Grammar

19. Choose the correct answer

19. There’s a depression coming so it’s ________ to rain tomorrow.

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Categoría: Grammar

20. Choose the correct answer

20. ________ I’d had the time, I wouldn’t have done my homework.

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Categoría: Vocabulary

21. Part 2: Vocabulary

Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

21. a photo

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Categoría: Vocabulary

22. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

22. a noise

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Categoría: Vocabulary

23. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

23. the sun

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Categoría: Vocabulary

24. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

24. some medicine

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Categoría: Vocabulary

25. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

25. a cold

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Categoría: Vocabulary

26. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

26. a secret

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Categoría: Vocabulary

27. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

27. a diary

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Categoría: Vocabulary

28. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

28. a thief

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Categoría: Vocabulary

29. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

29. an excuse

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Categoría: Vocabulary

30. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

30. fire

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Categoría: Vocabulary

31. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

31. someone’s eye

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Categoría: Vocabulary

32. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

32. up for it

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Categoría: Vocabulary

33. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

33. a good impression

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Categoría: Vocabulary

34. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

34. the money and run

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Categoría: Vocabulary

35. Choose the correct verb for this phrase.

Catch | Take | Keep | Make

35. watch

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Categoría: Reading

36. Part 3: Reading

Text one. Study this passage. There are 10 words missing. Read the passage and choose one word for each of the spaces.

Mr Smith and his wife had taken their 9-year-old granddaughter to Paris [out|for|at|to]  a holiday. One morning, they set [out|at|on|for]  for a ride on the metro. In the rush to get [behind|for|off|on]  the train, the child was left [to|behind|out|for]  on the platform. Mr and Mrs Smith had to wait [at|for|until|to]  the train stopped at the next station before they could do anything. When the train stopped, they [spoke|been|taken|caught]  the first train back to where their granddaughter had [gone|been|taking|spoke]  left. When they got off the train again, they started to [worried|talking|panic|nervous]  . The little girl was nowhere in sight. They ran around looking for her, but they needn't have [worried|talking|panic|nervous]  . The station manager had noticed what had happened and had [taken|been|caught|carried]  the little girl to his office, where she was happily drinking tea and talking to the station workers.

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Categoría: Reading

37. Text two. Read the text and choose the correct answer for each of the questions.

Melbourne Zoo

Zoos are very popular tourist attractions for people of all ages. They are places where people can see mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects from all parts of the globe. Many zoos have beautiful gardens and wide tree-lined paths that lead from one display to another. Australia has four major zoos as well as a number of wild life parks and native animal sanctuaries. One of the best-known zoos in Australia is the Melbourne Zoo situated close to the metropolitan area in leafy Royal Park. Established in 1857, on the banks of the Yarra River, Melbourne Zoo moved to its present site in 1862. It was the first zoo built in Australia and is one of the oldest zoos in the world.

The animal enclosures are set amidst beautifully landscaped gardens and some of the tamer animals, like ducks, geese, wallabies and emus are allowed to wander freely around the gardens. There have been many changes to the zoo during the last hundred years: the old iron-bar cages have been replaced by habitat exhibits which display animals from all over the world in as natural an environment as possible. Natural areas of tropical rain forest have been created to house the African gorillas and the endangered Sumatran tiger, while rocky desert areas have been developed for the ever-alert meerkats. However, modern zoos are not only about providing entertainment for tourists and visitors but also play a very important role in wildlife conservation and educating people about the need to protect endangered species and their environments. They do this through their carefully controlled breeding programmes.

Melbourne Zoo achieved worldwide fame in 1984 when it successfully bred baby gorilla Mzuri followed in 1991 by baby gorilla Buzandi. There are over 350 kinds of animals in the zoo and because it’s open every day of the year, there’s always something fascinating to see and do at the Melbourne Zoo.

1. How many important zoos are there in Australia?

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Categoría: Reading

38. Melbourne Zoo

Zoos are very popular tourist attractions for people of all ages. They are places where people can see mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects from all parts of the globe. Many zoos have beautiful gardens and wide tree-lined paths that lead from one display to another. Australia has four major zoos as well as a number of wild life parks and native animal sanctuaries. One of the best-known zoos in Australia is the Melbourne Zoo situated close to the metropolitan area in leafy Royal Park. Established in 1857, on the banks of the Yarra River, Melbourne Zoo moved to its present site in 1862. It was the first zoo built in Australia and is one of the oldest zoos in the world.

The animal enclosures are set amidst beautifully landscaped gardens and some of the tamer animals, like ducks, geese, wallabies and emus are allowed to wander freely around the gardens. There have been many changes to the zoo during the last hundred years: the old iron-bar cages have been replaced by habitat exhibits which display animals from all over the world in as natural an environment as possible. Natural areas of tropical rain forest have been created to house the African gorillas and the endangered Sumatran tiger, while rocky desert areas have been developed for the ever-alert meerkats. However, modern zoos are not only about providing entertainment for tourists and visitors but also play a very important role in wildlife conservation and educating people about the need to protect endangered species and their environments. They do this through their carefully controlled breeding programmes.

Melbourne Zoo achieved worldwide fame in 1984 when it successfully bred baby gorilla Mzuri followed in 1991 by baby gorilla Buzandi. There are over 350 kinds of animals in the zoo and because it’s open every day of the year, there’s always something fascinating to see and do at the Melbourne Zoo.

2. Melbourne Zoo has been in the same place

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Categoría: Reading

39. Melbourne Zoo

Zoos are very popular tourist attractions for people of all ages. They are places where people can see mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects from all parts of the globe. Many zoos have beautiful gardens and wide tree-lined paths that lead from one display to another. Australia has four major zoos as well as a number of wild life parks and native animal sanctuaries. One of the best-known zoos in Australia is the Melbourne Zoo situated close to the metropolitan area in leafy Royal Park. Established in 1857, on the banks of the Yarra River, Melbourne Zoo moved to its present site in 1862. It was the first zoo built in Australia and is one of the oldest zoos in the world.

The animal enclosures are set amidst beautifully landscaped gardens and some of the tamer animals, like ducks, geese, wallabies and emus are allowed to wander freely around the gardens. There have been many changes to the zoo during the last hundred years: the old iron-bar cages have been replaced by habitat exhibits which display animals from all over the world in as natural an environment as possible. Natural areas of tropical rain forest have been created to house the African gorillas and the endangered Sumatran tiger, while rocky desert areas have been developed for the ever-alert meerkats. However, modern zoos are not only about providing entertainment for tourists and visitors but also play a very important role in wildlife conservation and educating people about the need to protect endangered species and their environments. They do this through their carefully controlled breeding programmes.

Melbourne Zoo achieved worldwide fame in 1984 when it successfully bred baby gorilla Mzuri followed in 1991 by baby gorilla Buzandi. There are over 350 kinds of animals in the zoo and because it’s open every day of the year, there’s always something fascinating to see and do at the Melbourne Zoo.

3. The animals at Melbourne Zoo

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Categoría: Reading

40. Melbourne Zoo

Zoos are very popular tourist attractions for people of all ages. They are places where people can see mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects from all parts of the globe. Many zoos have beautiful gardens and wide tree-lined paths that lead from one display to another. Australia has four major zoos as well as a number of wild life parks and native animal sanctuaries. One of the best-known zoos in Australia is the Melbourne Zoo situated close to the metropolitan area in leafy Royal Park. Established in 1857, on the banks of the Yarra River, Melbourne Zoo moved to its present site in 1862. It was the first zoo built in Australia and is one of the oldest zoos in the world.

The animal enclosures are set amidst beautifully landscaped gardens and some of the tamer animals, like ducks, geese, wallabies and emus are allowed to wander freely around the gardens. There have been many changes to the zoo during the last hundred years: the old iron-bar cages have been replaced by habitat exhibits which display animals from all over the world in as natural an environment as possible. Natural areas of tropical rain forest have been created to house the African gorillas and the endangered Sumatran tiger, while rocky desert areas have been developed for the ever-alert meerkats. However, modern zoos are not only about providing entertainment for tourists and visitors but also play a very important role in wildlife conservation and educating people about the need to protect endangered species and their environments. They do this through their carefully controlled breeding programmes.

Melbourne Zoo achieved worldwide fame in 1984 when it successfully bred baby gorilla Mzuri followed in 1991 by baby gorilla Buzandi. There are over 350 kinds of animals in the zoo and because it’s open every day of the year, there’s always something fascinating to see and do at the Melbourne Zoo.

4. Melbourne Zoo

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Categoría: Reading

41. Melbourne Zoo

Zoos are very popular tourist attractions for people of all ages. They are places where people can see mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects from all parts of the globe. Many zoos have beautiful gardens and wide tree-lined paths that lead from one display to another. Australia has four major zoos as well as a number of wild life parks and native animal sanctuaries. One of the best-known zoos in Australia is the Melbourne Zoo situated close to the metropolitan area in leafy Royal Park. Established in 1857, on the banks of the Yarra River, Melbourne Zoo moved to its present site in 1862. It was the first zoo built in Australia and is one of the oldest zoos in the world.

The animal enclosures are set amidst beautifully landscaped gardens and some of the tamer animals, like ducks, geese, wallabies and emus are allowed to wander freely around the gardens. There have been many changes to the zoo during the last hundred years: the old iron-bar cages have been replaced by habitat exhibits which display animals from all over the world in as natural an environment as possible. Natural areas of tropical rain forest have been created to house the African gorillas and the endangered Sumatran tiger, while rocky desert areas have been developed for the ever-alert meerkats. However, modern zoos are not only about providing entertainment for tourists and visitors but also play a very important role in wildlife conservation and educating people about the need to protect endangered species and their environments. They do this through their carefully controlled breeding programmes.

Melbourne Zoo achieved worldwide fame in 1984 when it successfully bred baby gorilla Mzuri followed in 1991 by baby gorilla Buzandi. There are over 350 kinds of animals in the zoo and because it’s open every day of the year, there’s always something fascinating to see and do at the Melbourne Zoo.

5. Which statement best describes the role of modern zoos?

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